Journal Entries

Here is a space to share your adventures throughout Hallownest, whether that be experiences throughout the game, moments of accomplishment, or admiring the atmosphere. If you would like to contribute journal entries to the Buglore community, you must be logged in as a user!

First Entry

It's hard to see here

Objectives: Not sure yet

Accomplishments: none!

Location: Fog Canyon

Created by Rich Freeman

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Echoes from the City of Tears

Witness the remnants of its former glory, as raindrops cascade down from the heavens, echoing the lamentations of a forgotten civilization.

Objectives: Adventure onwards!

Accomplishments: Explored the opulent halls

Location: City of Tears

Created by Christopher Blouin

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Chronicles of the Forgotten Crossroads

Venturing through its winding tunnels, encountering peculiar creatures, and uncovering the secrets hidden within its crumbling walls.

Objectives: Adventure onwards!

Accomplishments: Defeated the fearsome False Knight!

Location: Forgotten Crossroads

Created by Chris

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